21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
January 5-25
Pushing away our physical needs to pull close our spiritual need for the Holy Spirit.
New series starting January 5
Sundays, 9AM + 11AM
@ The Great Northern Hotel

“He who is too busy to pray will be too busy to live a holy life.”
- E.M. Bounds
Each week of the 21 Days, we will have a Prayer Focus. Join us in praying each week for these areas…
Week 1 - Holiness (Jan 5-11)
How do we reorder our desires? We begin by pushing away our earthly desires and asking God what He wants of us. Keeping prayer first, wanting to please God, and loving and serving our neighbors. More of Him, less of us.
Week 2 - Breakthrough (Jan 12-18)
What would you ask God for? Where do you need breakthrough? How is He asking you to grow? Take the time to lay down “your flesh” and break free from the things that hold you back from living a full life in Him.
Week 3 - For Helena (Jan 19-25)
How can you serve others? Pray for the lost, broken, and hurting in our community. Ask God how you can be the hands and feet of Jesus in Helena.
Fasting is choosing to weaken our flesh to strengthen our spirit. We fast to find fulfillment in His Presence and in His Word.
Ways to Fast:
Screens Fast*
Don’t watch TV, Streaming Platforms, or Social Media. Instead, read your Bible, pick a book (John, James, etc.), and read it slowly. Great fast for kids and teens.
Sweets Fast*
Just that - no sweets; or fasting from sugar or sweet treats
Half Day Fast
The half day fast (or intermittent fasting) is no food after dinner until 3pm the next day.
Daniel Fast
Mostly fruits and veggies. Avoiding breads, meats, and sugars.
Ultimate Fast
1 week, liquids only; 2 weeks, Daniel Fast
*Good fast for those with medical limitations or those taking medications.
If you feel prompted in a different way, feel free - the point is that when you fast, you spend time with the Lord. We are committing to pushing away something in our lives to pull in closer to God.
Want to get more involved? Jump into these opportunities for growth!
Weekly Prayer Nights
Our Prayer Nights are a time to gather in community to intentionally seek the will of God for our lives, families, church, and Helena. No sign up needed, just come!
Thursdays, January 9, 16 & 23
6:30p at The Chapel, 200 E Broadway
The Fasting Practice
Want to know more about how to fast? Join the Fasting Practice Class.
Sundays starting January 5th
4pm – 5:30pm at The Chapel, 200 E Broadway
Are you wanting to strengthen your spiritual foundation with Jesus? We want to help you understand God’s plan of rescue and transformation for your life, and Foundations Class is a great place to do that!
January 15th, 5 weeks
Wednesdays, 6:30p – 8:00p
How to Pray First
Need help developing a prayer habit? Download this helpful app to teach you how to use scripture to Pray First.