What is baptism?
Baptism is a public confession of faith and inward transformation. The act of Baptism is saying, “Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life.” When you are baptized, you are showing others that through Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, you have been redeemed and now identify with the body of Christ. The physical act of baptism is submersion beneath the water, putting to death the old life that you once lived. As Christ resurrected from the grave, coming up out of the water signifies that the power of the Holy Spirit has resurrected you to a new life in Christ.

Why should I get baptized?
It is a public act of obedience. The Bible specifically calls us to this action step of obedience. (Acts 2:42)
Jesus himself was baptized, so we identify as one in Christ, one in the Body of Christ. (John 15)
Baptism is also an act of worship and an opportunity to strengthen your faith in front of the body of believers. Baptism is not private; it is a celebration of the power we have through the Holy Spirit. By the obedience of Christ dying on the cross for our sins, we are “made new” and “meant for more” in our obedience to Christ.
It is a significant moment of our faith journey! We are joining “The Jesus Team” and publicly confessing our faith in Him and joining His mission.
Join the Team
Part of our spiritual growth is through serving one another, so we offer many serving opportunities at Buffalo. Whether you are a friendly greeter at the door, working with kids and students, or helping us set up and tear down our environments, we would love to have you join our serve team. Rather than just placing you anywhere, we want you to serve in a role where you will shine with your God-given talents!
Welcome to the Herd!

Connect with us
If you'd like prayer, have questions about the church, or would like to be a part of the team, let us know!
Mailing Address
PO Box 176, Helena, MT 59624
Sunday Morning Worship
The Great Northern Hotel
835 Great Northern Blvd, Helena, MT 59602

The Chapel (Weekday Events/Classes)
200 E Broadway
Helena, MT 59601